Sunday, 11 March 2012


The ball is still rolling; it has been four weeks into the project now and there is no turning back. We have had our second show at Radio Grahamtown, not the smoothest show, I must confess. There were so many technical problems this week. Let me start off by saying; me and my group members waited for Thenjiwe Nkosinkulu, who is the Masabelane show host but she did not pitch. We waited and waited until the last few minutes before the show and it was only then when we were introduced to the new host for the day. This introduction too was informal, I had to go in and ask the lady who was there what is going on and ask where Thenjiwe was. I found this very strange because we did not receive any message or phone call from her (Thenjiwe). I remember there was a time where we ended up planning what we were going to do and how we were going to do it if she ends up not pitching. I came up with the idea that we were just going to do it even so and I was prepared to anchor the show.
This is to highlight just few things I find problematic since my involvement with the project that is, lack of communication. We do not communicate very well with each other because if we were, we would have known that the presenter is not going to be there for the show and therefore make arrangements to meet with the new presenter. As a result Xoliswa Mbewu Maaotla, from uMthathi Training Project complained about the way the show ran, and complained a lot about the unprofessional way the new presenter has done the show.
Another thing, we did not know that the new presenter is not familiar with the studio and the desk because we would have willingly helped her.  From now on we plan on arriving on time, that is, before the show starts just to set the studio and see if there is anything that needs to be fixed. Other than this I can say that I am still satisfied with the way things have been going (in terms of getting the uMthathi people to do the show) because I feel as if we are still pushing regardless of the flaws.
In all honesty I still do not feel that much connected to the project. For instance I think we need to create jingles for the show, just to give it a lively feel, maybe we can also create stings. Another thing is time, I do not think the time we have for the show is enough. I say this because I have noticed that we get about three callers in a show and end up cutting others because of time. Nevertheless I believe these are matters beyond our control, the decisions have been made and therefore not much can be done to change them. On the other hand I think that I just have to be grateful and appreciative for the time we have been given because at first we did not even have a slot for the show.
I really want this show to continue even after we have left, and this is why we are planning on taking two of the Radio Grahamstown presenters with us to one of the uMthathi gatherings. So that they will get an idea of what the project is all about. And we hope that they will be encouraged to carry on with the show even after we have left. These presenters will not only observe but report about the project. We hope to leave a healthy relationship between these presenters and the heads of the project once we let go of the handle bars of the bicycle. I find this show very educational and therefore very important for Grahamstown citizens and the surrounding areas. This I have gathered during the shows, the questions that people ask and the advices that some of them give. I believe that through this show there are gaps that can be closed there are bridges and connections that can be made by both the project administrators and the greater Grahamstown citizens.

At the end of the day we are there to facilitate social change, and we do this through broadcasting. That is, we allow and give platform and space for sharing of ideas by both the leaders and ordinary citizens- sharing of ideas and discussion of issues. I see therefore this show as a platform through which citizens are given a chance to speak out but in this case about gardening and its importance. If then the relationship between the presenters and the umthathi project can be maintained I believe it would not be easy for the station to let go. This is what we must start working on, building and creating a relationship between the two. Most importantly we have ran the idea past Xoliswa and she appreciated it. Only sky is the limit, I believe we just have to keep on keeping on, and keep on pushing and it shall be well.

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